1950's Sex Education Record - #1 - "For Young Boys"
[transcrição da introdução]
(mais violinos)
(muitos violinos)
This is the first of a series of four recordings on a problem that bothers so many parents today: what should I teach my child about sex? and, particularly, how should I go about it? It's intended for use by parents organizations and PTA groups, not for children. It's not designed to be followed word for word but to serve as a basis for discussion, as an illustration on how the beautiful story of Creation can be told to children in a frank but perfectly natural way, that combines both spiritual and biological elements. Only you, the parent, can decide how and when to give these instructions to your child, but these little scenes, by suggesting a phrase or a situation, may make your talk easier.
(mais violinos)
(poderosa catarse de violinos)
In this first recording, a little boy, who might be four or six, has just discovered that the neighbour's dog has given birth to a litter of puppies. Out of this natural situation arises the first question usual in all sex instructions: where do babies come from? The father, who might be you, answers him truthfully, seriously, but in a natural informal way.
Notice two things: first, the father introduces the name of God and the divine plan of reproduction very early, and this identification of God with Creation carries naturally through the dialogue; second, although the father answers the boy's further question - how does a baby gets out of his mother's body? -, that he gives a minimum of feminine anatomy at this stage and avoids arousing empty curiosity.
In real life this instruction might extend over two or three talks. The child's curiosity should govern though we should be careful not to give him more than he can handle at first.
(som: alguém a serrar lenha)
(som: homem a cantar que odeia serrar lenha)
[/transcrição da introdução]
Segue-se o diálogo. A minha gravação (cuja proveniência editorial desconheço, excepto que é norte-americana) tem, além desta primeira faixa, mais três faixas: "Explaining Menstruation" [for young girls, obviously], "The Problem With Growing" [for young boys, once more, this time about weird dreams], "The Marriage Union" [para ambos]. Procurei transcrições disto na internet, mas não consegui encontrar. Daqui a uns dias passo mais um bocado.